Thorzt was developed to answer the need for an electrolyte formula that meets the hydration requirements of heat stressed workers. Thorzt is a formula scientifically designed for hard work in Australian conditions. Thorzt is a great tasting, scientifically proven mix of cutting-edge branch chain amino acids, combined with magnesium and a formulated blend of electrolytes for optimum hydration in all conditions, and the new addition of B and C group vitamins.

It is not all about drinking electrolytes, they are not the silver bullet. Thorzt believes it is more about getting back to the basics in your Heat Stress Management and Hydration Solution. Thorzt contains the optimal mix of electrolytes, branch chain amino acids and low Gi carbohydrates for sustained energy release without the 'sugar spike'.

19 Products Found

The Cooling Towel stays cool for hours with no refrigeration or cold water needed – just ‘Wet, Wring and Wave’.

The towel is made from PVA material which can retain moisture for periods far longer than conventional towels, and contains a special plant extract that (once activated) turns moisture cold regardless of it’s initial temperature.


1. Submerge the THORZT Cooling Towel in any temperature water and let is soak for three to five minutes.
2. Wring out the excess water, leaving it nice and moist.
3. Take hold of two of the corners, and wave it up and down for about ten seconds.
4. Wrap it around your neck or other warm point on the skin for instant cooling relief.

(10 seconds if water is room temperature, up to 30 seconds if very hot).

Give it a quick wave every 15-20 minutes to reactivate the cooling process. Re
wet every few hours as needed.

When finished, dampen it, fold it, and return it to it’s original packaging. Do not fold it dry. The cloth is Anti-microbial which will prevent any mould or mildew growth.

Promotes thermoregulation Comforts and cools the skin Looks as cool as it feels Machine Washable

TH-CSB Hip Pocket Workwear - Chill Towel


In Stock $20.00

Chill Towel

• Microfiber Evaporative Cooling UPF 50 chemical-free production
• Lightweight stretch fabric with non
• chafing elastic ends for comfortable cooling that will stay put Multi
• purpose:
• Protects from sun
• Defends against dust and debris
• Keeps you cool
• Machine washable-reuse again and again

TH-CSHVY Hip Pocket Workwear - Cooling Scarf - Fluoro Yellow


In Stock $27.00

Cooling Scarf - Fluoro Yellow

• Microfiber Evaporative Cooling UPF 50 chemical-free production
• Lightweight stretch fabric with non
• chafing elastic ends for comfortable cooling that will stay put Multi
• purpose:
• Protects from sun
• Defends against dust and debris
• Keeps you cool
• Machine washable-reuse again and again

TH-CSK Hip Pocket Workwear - Cooling Scarf - Khaki


In Stock $27.00

Cooling Scarf - Khaki

• Microfiber Evaporative Cooling UPF 50 chemical-free production
• Lightweight stretch fabric with non
• chafing elastic ends for comfortable cooling that will stay put Multi
• purpose:
• Protects from sun
• Defends against dust and debris
• Keeps you cool
• Machine washable-reuse again and again

TH-CSRB Hip Pocket Workwear - Cooling Scarf - Royal Blue


In Stock $27.00

Cooling Scarf - Royal Blue

• Robust design with wide base for stability
• Superior insulation to maintain coolness
• Easy pour spout
• Detachable drink cup
• Impact resistant exterior
• BPA-free
• Screw top lid to give wide access for ease of cleaning and filling with ice

TH-DC025B Hip Pocket Workwear - Drink Cooler - 2.5 Litre


In Stock $32.00

Drink Cooler - 2.5 Litre

• BPA-free
• Robust design with wide base for stability
• Superior insulation to maintain coolness
• Screw top lid to give wide access for ease of cleaning and filling with ice
• Screw tap for consistent flow and drip free shut off 20 litre capacity
• Impact resistant exterior

TH-DC20 Hip Pocket Workwear - Drink Cooler - 20 Litre


In Stock $118.00

Drink Cooler - 20 Litre

• BPA-free
• Robust design with wide base for stability
• Superior insulation to maintain coolness
• Screw top lid to give wide access for ease of cleaning and filling with ice
• Screw tap for consistent flow and drip free shut off
• 55 litre capacity Impact resistant exterior

TH-DC55B Hip Pocket Workwear - Drink Cooler - 55 Litre


In Stock $201.00

Drink Cooler - 55 Litre

• BPA-free
• Superior insulation to maintain coolness
• Easy pour spout
• Detachable drinking cup (400ml)
• Recessed push button tap to protect and reduce damage
• Impact resistant exterior
• Internal Volume Markings for accurate pour/measurement when mixing electrolytes
• Dual screw top lid to give wide access for ease of cleaning and filling with ice

TH-DC05B Hip Pocket Workwear - Drink Cooler- 5 Litre - Blue


In Stock $46.00

Drink Cooler- 5 Litre - Blue

• BPA-free
• Superior insulation to maintain coolness
• Easy pour spout
• Detachable drinking cup (400ml)
• Recessed push button tap to protect and reduce damage
• Impact resistant exterior
• Internal Volume Markings for accurate pour/measurement when mixing electrolytes
• Dual screw top lid to give wide access for ease of cleaning and filling with ice

TH-DC05O Hip Pocket Workwear - Drink Cooler- 5 Litre - Hi Vis Orange


In Stock $49.00

Drink Cooler- 5 Litre - Hi Vis Orange

Thorzt is the best tasting electrolyte drink available for Australian workers. It is perfect for large construction companies, tradies & sporting clubs. Designed to maintain mind and body function at a cellular level, Thorzt can boost your physical and mental potential, relieve muscle pain, cramps, and spasms, reduce anxiety, and sleep disturbance and improve the body’s stress response.